IT charter
“The user of internet access undertakes not to use this access for purposes of reproduction, representation, making available or communication to the public of works or objects protected by copyright law. author or by a neighboring right, such as texts, images, photographs, musical works, audiovisual works, software and video games, without authorization.
The user is informed that sharing software, when it is connected to the internet, can automatically make downloaded files available. If sharing software has been used to download protected works, it is therefore preferable to deactivate it.
The user is also required to comply with the security policy defined by SARL HOTEL BELLEVUE, 34 quai du port 13002 Marseille, as well as the rules for using the network and computer equipment.
It is recalled in this regard that the holder of internet access in this case SARL HOTEL BELLEVUE, 34 quai du port 13002 Marseille, is required to secure this access. And this so that it is not used for purposes of reproduction, representation, making available or communication to the public of works or objects protected by copyright or neighboring rights, under penalty to incur criminal liability.
This responsibility of the access holder in no way excludes that of the user who may be accused of an offense of counterfeiting. (article L. 335-3 of the Intellectual Property Code). "